Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Follow These Easy Suggestions for Banner Ads to Obtain Final Results

When AdWords was developed, everybody thought that banner ads would no longer exist. But, that was not the outcome. Banner advertising came up and start ruling the net and nevertheless do so right now. So if you are planning to leverage banner advertising to drive targeted visitors for your site, you do not have to believe twice. In this article you may see three banner ads suggestions which will assist you to significantly upgrade your banner ads campaign.

Any banner ad that you simply produce ought to have a strong name to motion, with out which you won't see any favorable response coming your way. Each advertiser knows the value of an successful name to motion, due to the fact you need your site visitors to take motion by clicking on the ad. Let them know why they need to click to get them to complete it. A excellent method to accomplish this is by offering instant gratification within the name to motion. What this means is which you can provide an enticing freebie through your banner ad and gather leads from those who click. It is crucial to be as particular as achievable within your name to motion in order that site visitors know precisely what you would like them to complete. Will not risk losing your audience by being too mysterious, be straight with them instead.

An essential ideas which you must adhere to is to be particular that you simply banner advertising are light and not heavy. The last thing you'd want is your site visitors waiting for your banner ad to load. Your ads have to be lightweight and have graphics that may be simply loaded with all net speeds. If you want to make use of some sort of animation within your ads then make certain they do not take too much time to begin playing.

Even although doing this is obvious, may possibly banner advertisers attempt to make their ads complex to attract interest, but end up getting none. If you have to make use of them, will not use as several graphics, which will rapidly decrease the size. Once you know what type of banner advertising are working for you, there's completely no looking back. Nevertheless, until this occurs, you need to test several banner sizes so that you simply will know precisely what to expect.

Keep your graphics easy but make them successful. Will not go for the gaudy or flashy graphics or they'll get you outcomes you do not want. You need your audience to be intrigued by your ads not annoyed by them. Within the beginning of banner ads online these bad ads got consideration simply because they were nonetheless new - times have changed although. These kinds of ads won't supply the exact same positive outcomes right now. It is crucial that you simply sit down and talk for your banner ad designer and specifically instruct them to produce an ad which is sophisticated and at the identical time easy. Just as advertising with banner advertising has worked for numerous other marketers, it can work for you as well. The reason so numerous marketers rely on banner ads right now is that it's so efficient when done properly. Apply these excellent suggestions for your banner advertising to reach your goals and more.

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Monetize Your Blog - Sell Banner Ads

There are different ways in which you can go about in monetizing your blog. The most popular way in monetizing a blog is to sell banner ads and other ad space. You can make a lot of money with this concept alone due to the fact that they usually have a price per thousand times it's shown on the site. They are a magnet when it comes to what people look at on websites. They attract a person's interest as soon as they get on the page.

Generate Income From Your Unused Space

One of the best ways to earn income from your blog is to sell space. If your blog is generating a lot of traffic, many blog owners will be very willing to pay you a fee for putting their information in front of your readers.

Types To Avoid

Most people tend to think that flashy ads would attract others into clicking their banners, but in actuality, it keeps them from clicking. No one wants to be bothered with something flashing all the time on their screen. That makes them want to refresh the page so something non-flashing will show up. Most people are irritated by the popups and popunders and will leave a blog if there are too many. Be careful with the page peel advertisement so that they do not get in the way of your visitor every time they use the scroll bar at the top. It may be better to put them on the left side of the page instead of the right side.

Best Sizes

After concluding that you want to sell banner ads, you need to think of a size that would be best for your blog. Most people go with 125 x 125 in size or 468 x 60. The best way in determining the best size is to go about resizing the banner to see if there's a noticeable change within the pixels or not. If the picture looks distorted, you'll need to resize accordingly. They should naturally fit the pages content too, so it doesn't look like it is a separate edition from the rest of your content.

Where To Place Them On The Page

The best place to put your advertisements is in the content block, as they receive the most clicks there. The left column and the header does better than the right column and the footer area is the worst placement area.


When it comes to selling these, most people have trouble deciding how much to charge per impression. If you have a huge blog, with lots of visitors, you may want to charge roughly five dollars per thousand views. The money can add up quickly and you can be on your way to a passive income.

If you are a startup, you may encounter trouble at first when it comes to pricing the impressions for five dollars per thousand views. A great tip is to keep marketing and adding content to your blog for your impression value will go up based upon the number of real visitors that you have.

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How To Profit From Smart Banner Marketing

So you want to drive traffic using banner marketing? Banner advertising is well worth any serious online business' attention as a way to experience a lot of high quality traffic.

For all those who may have concerns about advertising budgets, the really cool thing about banner marketing is that you can find high traffic websites where you can place your banner for less than $50. A lot depends on your niche, but you can easily find very nice sites that get good traffic numbers, and the fee is well within modest budgets. Now, that's something which would be difficult to achieve with a pay per click campaign or a pay per view campaign. If this has your attention, and we hope it does, then continue reading to learn about 3 effective banner marketing strategies that will help you increase your ad performance.

The design of the banner has little to do with the most critical banner ad idea. It's about the relevancy of your ad to your landing page. If your ad is offering people "free iPod gifts", then when someone clicks on the banner and navigates to your site, the landing page should be making the exact same offer. If your banner marketing is all hype you shouldn't expect a lot of conversions. Yes, you will get lots of clicks but that really doesn't matter because the only important thing is the rate of converted visitors. It doesn't matter how many clicks your banner gets because if people aren't converting due to your landing page you are throwing money out the window.

Try and craft unique banners that set themselves apart from the rest of the pile. There are many banners that look virtually identical to each other, which means you won't notice them and they will get lost among the others. When posting your banners on sites, you want them to be seen. The more interactive your banners are, the more engaged people will be and the more success you will find. These ads can be quite lightweight but just as interesting as well. You will find that you have a better click through rate on your banners when you do this.

Lastly but certainly just as important, is to make sure your banner's colors match those of the website where they are being displayed. Even if four websites are displaying the same banner you still need to make sure that the colors match the core design of each site. This is because you want your banner to blend it somewhat because otherwise if it sticks out too much it will hurt the response rate. You need to make sure your banner marketing integrates seamlessly with the design of the site they are being posted on. It doesn't have to be a perfect match, but try and coordinate a few things here and there.

Overall, it's safe to say that it is impossible for you to fail with banner marketing if you are always changing things around to improve your campaigns. Even if a lot of testing is required, the bottom line is to see if your effort with banner marketing is generating results because there is little doubt that it will receive a great response over the long term. One of the best ways to build an online business is by leveraging banners to drive targeted traffic.

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The Offline Arbitrage System Evaluated for The Online Marketer

In the past three or so years, many online marketers have more and more realized the worth of using offline marketing techniques. You can very proficiently take advantage of direct mail for growing your leads, optins and other distinct uses. You could possibly be surprised to learn how easy it is to produce your own email list. There exists room for just about any kind of budget, but naturally venturing out small will take longer. Offline Arbitrage was designed by Luke Jaten and Ryan Deiss, and they demonstrate how to create your own base of leads using direct mail. We encourage you to avoid feeling intimidated by the words, direct mail, and it truly is something any enthusiastic online marketer can do.

The bulk of the program work occurs in the CDs that consist of the ten teaching modules. Luke and Ryan introduce you to direct mail, given that most online marketers are not really acquainted with it, and then they go deeper into the material. There are particular parts of direct mail that you won't have to contend with as they have nothing to do with Offline Arbitrage. Or, what you plan to do and what you are marketing. If you have ever been told that direct mail is expensive, that is partly true but is not the complete story.

This is an intriguing approach because you simply drive leads, from lists, to your online squeeze page, and then you can profit from them in a number of distinct ways. Offline Arbitrage takes advantage of the unbelievably huge and vast numbers of people on lead lists. This entire industry is particularly well set up and has been for a lot of decades. Ryan and Luke will walk you through how you can do this approach. This area of marketing is related to others since it is relatively easy to comprehend once you see how it all works. The key of this system entails postcard mailings which are probably the lowest cost form of direct mail.

If you've been around a while, then you have certainly seen other programs that use the idea of arbitrage. This is a multi-step strategy in which you purchase names/addresses, and then you mail them a postcard using direct mail. We would always recommend that you do a evaluation mailing to see your final results. The second stage of this process is where your online marketing skills will be able to shine. You simply drive prospects to your squeeze page where you can get their contact details. That part is just like constructing a list on the net which will be familiar territory for you.

Needless to say, what we have discussed so far has been just an introduction. Ryan and Luke will demonstrate you what is essential to know about as it concerns direct mail and how it is done. They will show you how to design your postcards for maximum response. In addition to that, what is significant is you will see how to select the best lists to go along with your industry and offer.

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Methods to Create Successful Flash Banner Ads for Positive Response

Here are a few tricks and tips that could be used for the creation of attractive and efficient Flash banner advertisements for improved results.

Text Power- It has been observed that relying only on graphics does not fetch the kind of results that you might desire seeing, rather, bold and beautiful text is more capable in attaining attention from people. The text if kept as motivating factor in the design and is matched and blended carefully with various other graphics, can possibly be more of a successful combination. A big and bold headline in the trademark, where the text is able to compel people to keep those words in mind, is what is mainly needed to hit the bull's eye.

Highlighting the strength of your company- Until and unless you do not highlight the strongest point about your offer, possibilities are that it may go unnoticed. In the headline itself you could try emphasizing the best about your firm and products. It however does not mean that you need writing stories. Something that is crisp yet effective would do the work for you. It could be something like a punch-line so that it is catchy enough for people to remember. Whichever or whatever words you want to use, just use it in a way that it is relevant to your business and at the same time makes sense.

Call to Action- The prospective clients if are a given a Call to Action then it would be easier for them to be able to show a response to your ad. Something like 'For more info' or 'Offer for Limited period', probably these can be some of the examples that could be followed. It has been observed that this method tends to bring an abrupt boost in the response rates of ads which could be made via banner maker software. These makers could serve as great help when you are creating flash designs. They are pretty much affordable and come bundled with various modern and effective features that could help in beautifying designs.

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Internet Banner Advertisements - The Most Effective Online Ads

Online advertising is generating a lot of revenue for companies these days. You will find a lot of advertisements on almost every web page. This is because companies earn a lot of revenue through them as people are visiting their pages at all hours. Thus, products are promoted in a much better manner. Every online advertisement cannot be termed as successful. There are certain factors which have to be considered. First of all, the online advertisement should provide a basic explanation about the product. Some advertisements use the most advanced animations even when they are not required. Hence, online advertising should be according to the product.

The timing of the advertisement is very important. Normally, people are not interested in watching long advertisements. Thus, they should not stretch for several minutes. Hence, the effectiveness of the advertisement is very important. There are certain things which should be considered while advertisements are made. First of all, if animation is used in the advertisement, the user should have sufficient time to view the advertisement. Users get irritated when promotional ads are very fast. Thus, they should have a comfortable time span to understand the concept.

Apart from that, users pay attention to the ads which are not irritating to the eyes in any manner. For instance, if the advertisement contains sharp colors like pink or yellow, the user would not bother to strain his eyes and view the advertisement. Similarly, large sized text also irritates the customer to a certain extent. Thus, these things should be considered when online advertising campaigns are being designed.

Pop ups can be very irritating. They suddenly appear when you are viewing a page. Some of them do not close before a minimum time span is completed. This forces the user to block the page permanently. Thus, you should ensure that your campaign is not irritating in any manner. Some advertisement effect the browsing process of the user. The user is unable to view his actual page before he views the advertisement. This creates a problem.

Internet ads which have a lot of animation slow down the browsing speed of the user. You should remember that most people avoid promotional ads until something exceptionally interesting is being presented. It is obvious that a user would not buy your product if he gets irritated in any manner. A company promotes its products on the internet so that its customers can increase.

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Advertising For Website - 4 Super Effective Methods That Only Few People Know And Are Using

If you are looking for the right ways that will give you the best results when advertising for your website, this article will come handy. It looks closely at some of the most effective methods of advertising your website that will give you a lot of results. In fact, when compared to the traditional methods of advertising offline, the below mentioned methods will give you better ROI (return on investment), if you take the time to do things right.

1. Advertising your website in classified ad sites: You can advertise your website by placing your free or paid adverts in the many classified ad sites out there like These classified ad sites work very well in getting you loads of visitors. But ensure that you concentrate your efforts in advertising in only the highly trafficked classified ad sites.

2. Advertising your website in related and relevant online forums: There are lots of highly trafficked forums in just about any and every subject you can think about. Finding the right ones that are related to your website and placing your ads there can give you a lot of results and make it worth your while.

3. Advertising your website in highly trafficked article directory sites: There are very good article directories out there like which receive millions of readers so they are good places to advertise your website. You can buy a good number of banner ads or buy direct text ads and these can help to bring visitors that will convert to buyers, to your website. You will be surprised the kind of good results you will get from such directories, if done right.

4. Writing a press release and submitting to press release sites: These are also ways of advertising your website on the Internet. Many of the press release sites now allow you to place your press release for free. But of course, ensure that your press release doesn't look like an "advertisement", but like a press release. If done right, this method can bring you a lot of visitors to your website and will help your website to rank higher in the search engines' listings.

As you can see from the above mentioned methods, they can be very effective if you take the time to do a good job. To get good results, you need to do a good job of what you do, and this also includes advertising a website, whether it's yours or not.

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Banner Advertisements - Note the Essentials

In today's time, professionals do spend a lot of time, money and efforts so as to create print campaigns for placements in journals and newspapers. The world of Web is no different to that, so both web based firms and others put in loads of time to get their ads properly placed on various sites. Also along with that, the ones that put them on websites could expect to see some good level results and make profit. An ad like this might look simple and stacked into a small box at the top right side on a web page however the effects that it could have upon surfers could be of a high level.

In general, a lot of firms take up help from professional designers so that they can create such promotions for their business and surely the expectations are on the higher side as it is believed that such designers would be able to create some eye-catching promotions. Such experts have the right knowledge and information needed to get the best effects in their creations because the ultimate goal is to make them in such a way so that a majority of people show response to it.

There are some basic key points that play up for any successful banner ad and the foremost of them is one catchy text headline so that it clicks right through people when they read it. Simple pattern and less crowded creations have better chances to get noticed and understood than the ones which may be jumbled up with too many elements. Some like using static variety whilst a majority likes using the ones with flash or animation technology.

The latter is more popular because it increases the interactivity level. You could decide it for yourself if you'd like watching just pictures of something or moving presentation of characters and this is why most of us like watching movies to know a story rather than reading a book. If you desire getting added help at any point in time then you could always make use of banner software that will serve the purpose.

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Designing Web Banner That Helps in Converting

Basic research and development is necessary so as to make sure that you enjoy a positive level of click through rate and boosted up sales volume. At first, try to evaluate and check the tags that have already been created by those close competitors of your business. Try to analyze the way in which they studied and judged the market so as to take measures and subsequent steps accordingly. You could learn some amazing strategies which they might have taken up to divert your customers towards their own websites. You need to study the portal prior to creating the pattern of your firm's tag. Including a strong call to action is one smart thing to do which could comprise making use of radio buttons, check boxes, URLs and various other graphical buttons meant for clicking and selections.

You would need creating a banner that aptly fits and adorns the look of your company's website. No person would show any interest in clicking on it if it looks absolutely odd and weird. Just like eyes are a part of a human face, similarly the design of your firm's tag should blend easily into the site and rather complement the overall look. Be very patient and careful when creating the pattern since they directly take visitors to the landing page of your site. Given that you use too flashy colors and then after landing at your site's page they see a very dull look then you could think of the mismatch it would create. With the help of animated GIFs, you could add some words with each slide and give a story-like description, indirectly explaining about your company. In this advanced world there are various banner maker available.

Flash banner designs are also quite popular simply because of the interactive characteristic. They engross people's attention to the fullest and make it interesting for viewers to interact and view. To measure online transactions such as purchasing of goods via these tag ads, click through rate technique is utilized. This helps in determining if the marketing process has been a success or if it has failed to do what it was meant. One of the important decisions to be taken comprises deciding over the spot where you should display your banner. If it is placed at the wrong place then it could cost quite a lot of business and profits to you. Quality of the tag matters a lot so try not to compromise there.

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Successful Banner Advertisements by Experts

As you learn the dynamics of internet marketing, you'll definitely encounter banner advertising. It sounds really complicated but in reality, it's really very simple to implement.

Every internet marketing advertisement must be created in a proper way. You have to make sure that the advertisement that you choose must be attractive so it can drive more traffic. Smart internet marketers have been very careful in maximizing their online advertisements. In this light, they make it a point that the advertisement will stick to the viewer's mind and give more positive benefit in their online business. Successful banner advertisements by experts specifically cater to their desired audience. An advertisement to them is equivalent to a SALE.

Moving on, in banner advertisements, it is important to use short and direct to the point Call to Action texts. Here are examples of proven influential texts: easiest, most effective, most accessible, totally free, etc. These words are really persuading. Use texts that are emotional because in this way you can go into the feelings of your viewers. And besides, people purchase because of their emotions. We buy because of how and what we feel.

Another point when doing banner ads, always choose strategic locations for your banner ads (preferably on the top portion or right side bar). Might as well be strategically located since, you're paying anyway. Make sure also that all the outgoing links are not distorted. Check your banner ads from time to time to see if it is working properly to ensure its efficiency.

Also bear in mind that every time you make a banner ad, make sure that it matches with the page where you are posting it. Be also careful in choosing your color scheme and other effects that you will be using with the banner ad. The key here is, not too much...not too less. Just right! These components contribute to the image and feel of your banner ad. It gives the first impression to the online viewer if you're ad is reliable or not. It can either be a maker or breaker to your online business.

As experts continue to share effective strategies to smart internet marketers, it still boils down in doing some personal research. Make sure that your investment through your advertisement was spent properly by following steps shared by experts. All the tools and strategies that are used by smart internet marketers are readily accessible and proven effective if you've done your research. Just RESEARCH and master all of them. See you at the top!

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What Kind of Advertising Is Banner Advertising?

It is possibly the oldest means to market goods and services and this is why it is conventional in approach. There could be a comparison made between it and billboard promotion and in a few cases, it could even be paralleled with ads broadcast on TV. This is specific when banners are created with flash content and have audio and visual components. There are some questions which lurk around relating using these tags for promotions. How tricky is it to create them? How far can they be helpful in marketing your brand? Questions like these and many more surface when one plans about taking this route to gain brand popularity in the market.

Tracking its history: In 1994, the first banner for advertisement had been used. Its size measured 468x60 pixels, which is one widely-used style utilized even today. As per a survey association, during the term 1994 - 2004, no less than $9.6 billion was spent by the U.S. market upon such ads. There has been no stopping in it and this could only be because the method is capable at fetching real commendable results. A lot of changes can be seen in the world of online marketing over the last 2-3 years. The change has come because there is a gigantic demand for the same. In southern parts of Africa, similar graph can be seen. World statistics have highlighted that 3.6 million internet users are there now. This is evident that huge number of people is using this as a means to market their products since so many users are there who access the Web. Firms use banner maker to create some amazing creations for their organizations.

Additional info: One of the topmost benefits of using this for promotions is that tracking its performance is actually easy. At any point, if you feel it is unable to do well its task, you could take action to improve it. Although no one can guarantee over what you should do to get maximum clicks but surely a design that is attractive and unique would get people's attention, easily. At the initial stages, its main purpose is to make your brand popular. When people start recognizing your name, they would often click on your ads to get latest updates from your company or business. The process of payment that you need to make when using it as a mode of marketing are many and one of those is known as PPC or Pay per Click.

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Advertisement by Enticing Great Deals

Every year thousands and thousands and thousands of coupons are generated by businesses. They are all in competition to win your services not only by mere advertisement but by enticing you to buy, shop, or use their company services. They do this by creating great deals, coupons, prizes and giveaways.

We, as the consumer should take advantage of this, don't you think? Let these companies battle it out while we reap the benefits of all the good marketing bargains.

Notice the word "enticement is sort of spelled inside the word advertisement. Well, the methodology of it all is for the company to promote great deals to get the consumer's attention by enticing them to purchase. They seize the opportunity to fulfill your every expectation and to satisfy your desire.

This is Golden! When people's expectations are satisfied with a company or service - they tend to return for more. The advertiser's quest and ultimate goal is to create a habit. We are creatures of habit, my friend.

Think about it for a moment; don't you eat, shop, and entertain yourself with some of the same companies week in and week out? Of course you do! That's why businesses will continue to create these wonderful bargains and breaks because it's imperative that they grab us, so they can mold us into loyal followers.

Okay! so before you just go out somewhere and buy something, why not see whether not there's a bargain or great deal out there somewhere - you know. One thing I hate is to buy something, then someone tells me, "Oh, I bought that for half price over here!" Save some money, have some fun, and shop a little.

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How to Use Online Advertising for Your Website

We're all familiar with online advertising because we encounter it every day in the form of flashing banners, floating boxes and pop ups, but you may not have considered how online advertising can be employed to publicise your own company's website. As well as first acquiring a website to promote your company, you will need an advertising plan to publicise your website and guarantee it gets noticed in the increasingly competitive environment of online marketing.

An on-line advertising strategy can be as simple as using one or a combination of the most established and popular methods such as banners or floating ads. When using any of these forms of paid advertising, it's important to make sure that you are placing them on another website that your potential customers are likely to visit.

A banner can be used to promote your product or service and incorporate a link to your website that will be activated by users clicking on the banner. Pop ups are no longer such a profitable on-line advertising option with pop up blockers becoming so widespread, however, floating ads (that are positioned to hover as a superimposed box over the host page for between five and 30 seconds of the website opening) are an eye-catching method of advertising for your product or company. Another popular and successful method of paid advertising are 'pay-per-click-search-engine-listings' or PPCSEs. To obtain a PPCSE listing you will need to purchase appropriate key words or phrases related to your company from the search engine provider. When the words that you have purchased are entered during a search, the listing for your website will appear as a paid ad alongside the general search results.

However, advertising for your website does not need to be in the form that you would traditionally expect advertising to take and it doesn't necessarily have to look like an ad. In fact, more sophisticated and less obvious online advertising techniques often work better than paid advertising. For example, although they may involve slightly more effort to develop, freely distributed e-zines and online newsletters with rich content and links directed to your website can actually attract greater interest and respect for your company even though they include no advertisements in the familiar format.

Online advertising can also meaning thinking outside of the square and utilising viral marketing concepts such as freely downloadable e-books, attractive wall papers, animated banners, free samples and iPhone apps that will provide widespread cost-free promotion of your brand as customers spread your message further via their blogs, social networking pages and smart phones.

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Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business

As more and more software companies make well designed banner ads easily affordable or within the reach of the marketing budgets of many small business owners, it's a good idea to keep these general rules in mind when designing your banner ad in order to gain effective results for your banner ad campaign.

1) Choose colors for your ad that get attention and will contrast to the background color of your website or landing page. Keep the design simple. Try to use relevant pictures associated with your small business. Many small business owners often make the mistake of emphasizing their logo instead of using pictures that immediately associate their banner ad with their business. For example, if you are a coffee shop owner, include a picture of your fantastic coffee drink with your offer. If you are a realtor, include a picture of a house and a small picture of yourself, something that will immediately associate your ad with the type of business you are in. As a general rule, only large well known companies who have spent enormous amounts of money in branding ad campaigns can afford to include solely their logos into their banner ads.

2) Stick to brief, concise content when designing your ads. Think snack sized content and make sure you provide a strong call- to-action. Try to emphasize one benefit and one call-to-action per banner ad. If you include too many call- to-actions then you stand a greater chance of confusing your prospective lead and your click-through rate will suffer. Remember, the effectiveness of your click-through rate will rely on the message that you are conveying. Attractive graphic design is secondary to professional copywriting. While the graphic design may attract their attention, it's the strong message that is communicated that will improve your banner ad's effectiveness.

3) Since the area of a banner ad is small make sure that you use legible text. Verdana and Arial are very popular fonts for the web because they are easy to read. Stay away from script fonts unless you are designing a larger banner ad. Keep in mind you want your prospective lead to read your message and ideally act on it. Don't make this process difficult by using hard to read fonts.

4) Provide interactivity to improve customer interaction and click-through rate. Make sure the content you include asks your prospective lead to fill out a survey, answer a question, or participate in a poll. Studies have shown that some type of interaction in your banner ads will improve click-through rate. However, keep the interaction relevant to its purpose.

5) Make sure that you do not include animation for animation's sake. The novelty of dancing monkeys, twirling circles, shooting stars, etc. without any tie-in to your ad has disappeared. While they were barely tolerable in the wild, early days of the internet, with so many well designed banner ads on the web competing for an internet user's attention, they are not now. This gratuitous type of design in your banner ad will only diminish its click-through rate and will ruin the overall appeal or message you are trying to make.

Keep these ideas in mind when you design your next ad and you are bound to get better results!

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